Friday, March 21, 2008

New House

So last night was the first night in our new house (pictures to come) and it was pretty interesting. The furnace, when it kicks on, makes this sorta loud almost dripping sound and the furnace closet is right next to our bedroom so it woke us up in the middle of the night. That's annoying. Anyway. We have most of our stuff moved in and it's really starting to feel like our home. We don't have internet or cable so I'm scamming off some sucker called Bangerter's wifi signal. What would we do without wifi? Anyway. We picked up our new dryer today (The washer will be here tomorrow. long story on why they aren't together and I'm not actually 100% sure what that story is so I won't be telling it) and then Branden, The Duke, and I made a 4 hour trip to IKEA and bought a bunch of dope junk for our house. Then my parents, Spike, Branden, Danielle, Mitch, The Duke, and I put some stuff together and away and hung out for a while. Some other peeps stopped by too. We still have a lot to do to make it complete but it's really starting to come together. Just thought I would update my mom and Amber on my life since you're the only ones who read this. All in all I'd say it was a productive moving/birthday.
Love, loyalty and respek

Sunday, March 16, 2008

School times.

Here is my new friend Holly. She goes to school with me. I am most likely going to die of a overdose of drama when she leaves. She graduates next week. I don't know what I will do without her. I was considering drugging her and keeping her in my closet at home and dragging her to school with me every day but I think she might be bummed out on that idea. Anyway. Check this out!

A girl that goes to my school owns this amazing device made specifically to create the perfect flat top called the "Flat Topper." It is shaped like a giant pick as you can see but it comes fully equipped with a level so you can get a perfectly flat top. Actually a lot harder to use than you would imagine.


A- Attached or Single? Attached

B- Best Friend? The Duke...And Diet Pepsi

C- Cake or pie? I could never choose. Zimmerman pie. Yogurt cake.

D- Day of choice? Saturday

E- Essential Item? Phone

F- Favorite Color? Greeny

G- Gummy Bears or Worms? I think I'd have to say bears. Ain't nothing like a white gummy bear.

H- Hometown? American Fork, Utah

I- Favorite Indulgence? Diet Pepsi and chips. And pudding. And haircuts.

J- January or July? Well the last 2 January's have been rough living in a dungeon but I love the winter...January. No! July!

K- Kids? =death

L - Life isn't complete without? The Duke, and The Chicken

M- Marriage date? September 21st

N- Number of brothers and sisters? 1 sister.

O- Oranges or Apples? I love them both

P- Phobia and fears? Mold and spiders.

Q- Quote? "A person should not believe in an "-ism," he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." Ferris Bueller

R- Reason to smile? The Chicken

S- Season of choice? Spring...maybe fall

T- Tag three people? I don't know anyone that hasn't done this.

U- Unknown fact about me? I rarely lose things. Its true.

V- Vegetable? Peas or corn

W- Worst habit? Picking my nose.

X-Ray or Ultrasound? X-ray. Ultrasounds tend to find babies inside of you so that means they suck

Y- Your favorite food? I love Massaman (Thai) and Indian food

Z- Zodiac sign? Aries.