Monday, August 6, 2007

Day 1.

Captains Log.
My chicken and I have been left. We are quite sad, although we know that one day, Frank shall return. I came home from a long hard day of opening boxes to a very excited chicken. He was so excited, he began to chirp. Now I know chickens don't chirp, but my chicken is quite unique. He has ears. And today my chicken came running to me with his ears pinned back so far, I thought they had been cut off. I think he knows the Frank has left.
Anyway...Today was rather uneventful. Woke up, showered, airport, Kinkos (where I took a particularly haggard looking photo of myself for my passport), then the post office to get said passport, stood in line for about 5 minutes before I realized that you can't get a passport without your birth certificate. So now I am off to the Fork to get my proof of birth (I know it's hard to believe that I wasn't dropped off by a space ship), but the chicken and I are headed off to get the one thing I need before I can jetset to Jamaica with my Frank, should he ever return.
Love always, Lilly

1 comment:

Brittney said...

You just tripped my husband out. He was reading me your blog aloud say "Bob" this and "Bob" that and when I pulled it up one minute later and it said "Frank" he tripped. :) I'm sorry your "Frank/Bob" has left. I can't imagine!!