Friday, July 27, 2007

1st session

look mom! i have a blog. my blog could be boring. or it could be amazing. we shall see. all i have to say today is when i go to the bank, i really don't like to go to the stall right at the window. it's quite awkward. does this thing have spell check? anyway. i don't like it because i feel like the teller is just sitting there staring at me. and if i look up into the window, i look like i'm being impatient. i don't like it. from now on, i vow, even if it is open and there is a car in every other lane, i shall not go to the one right at the window. nope.

1 comment:

rabidrunner said...

So... when you have kids (if you don't already have kids), the stall right next to the window can be beneficial. The teller can see you have kids in the back, then offer you suckers.

There I go again playing the devil's advocate...