Thursday, December 6, 2007


I know!! I'm officially the WORST blogger ever. But today I was thinking about the 7 deadly sins.

Here they are...
1. Wrath
2. Gluttony
3. Pride
4. Lust
5. Envy
6. Sloth
7. Greed

Think about it people.

1 comment:

rabidrunner said...

You're not the worst blogger ever, but maybe next to the worst. Semi worst. Your lack of blogging on a regular basis exemplifies your slothiness. Your need to show off your chicken proves you're prideful. And the fact that you have lusted after that Brett Flying Conchord guy... well that just proves your lusty.

By the way, visit my blog at to take the deadly sin test. I could give you the url to the test right here, but then you wouldn't see MY results.