Saturday, November 10, 2007

A taste of los wedding...

Here are some pictures of our amazing wedding. I hope you enjoy them.

Tonight I went Disco roller skating. Yea. I wore short shorts and tube socks. That's not all!! I had a shirt on. I was skating to the glorious sounds of the 70's. I don't really love disco but skating sure is a blast. I may try to find some of my very own leather roller skates. (If anyone needed an idea of what to get me for Christmas, there ya go. Size 7) Anyway, I had fun but now my ankle hurts. It hurts because I'm an awesome skater. Thats right
The Frank is home a week from tomorrow. I'm gonna go to bed now cause I have a headache. As soon as my chicken is finished eating he will join me in the sack. I must leave you for now. More later.

Love always,

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