Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day 8.

I got my foot tattooed today. Now that's what I call a Hurts Donut! Anyway. I miss my Frank. I also finished Harry Potter #5. I started on Harry Potter #6. I'm already about 1/4 through it. I don't feel very good. I just wanted to check in and tell you all that I'm lonely and my foot hurts. Next topic: Countdown 5 weeks until I marry the Frank. Yahoo!!! Next Topic: I was right. My wedding will be sweeter than Ali's. I'm marrying my Frank so that's why.
Well, time to hit the sack...wish me luck on not barfing before I walk the 5 feet to my bed. I miss eating Cheetos and drinking fresca with Frank. Goodnight.
Love Always,
P.S. Can you tell I have ADD.

1 comment:

Vera said...

Thank you for tellings us all about your add, is the personal or classified add?